Digraph On/Off

Weight Entry Automatic

Edges List




A graph consists of a finite number of vertices and edges connecting said vertices.
A directed graph (digraph) describes a graph that has edges with specified directions for traversal.
In an undirected graph, edges can be traversed in either direction.
An edge also can have an assigned weight, abbreviated here as w, representing how expensive it is to travel on said edge.

This website allows you to create your own graphs and learn about different algorithms!
Dijkstra's algorithm is implemented to find the shortest distance between any two points.
This is applicable for mapping software, networking problems, and abstract machines.
You also can visualize Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS)!
I am currently working on adding minimum spanning tree algorithms for the next update!

Goal Action
Create Vertice Tap anywhere on canvas
Create Edge Tap existing vertice then tap second vertice to create connection. Any vertice tapped will connect to the currently highlighted vertice.
Create Directed Edge Three buttons appear in the pane when connecting vertices in a digraph. Select a button OR use the keyboard shortcut 1, 2, or 3 (each corresponding with one of the buttons).
Unselect a Vertice or Exit Display Mode Tap anywhere on canvas outside of vertices.
Delete a Vertice Tap vertice twice.
Delete Edge or Change Edge Weight Tap the two vertices connecting the edges.